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      · 北京大學(xué)企業(yè)家研修班2024年招生項(xiàng)目表
      · 《古陶瓷無痕修復(fù)》于愛平導(dǎo)師班招生
      · 中國(guó)礦業(yè)能源投融資與管理高級(jí)研修班
      · 《現(xiàn)代供應(yīng)鏈與物流總裁高級(jí)研修班》招生簡(jiǎn)章
      · 在線網(wǎng)課《國(guó)際工程市場(chǎng)開發(fā)、投融資、項(xiàng)目管理實(shí)務(wù)》系列培訓(xùn)
      · 《管理心理學(xué)與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)》北京大學(xué)高級(jí)研修班招生
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      Top 50 universities for social sciences
           Top 50 universities for social sciences

      Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings 2009

      Social sciences

      Rank Rank Institution score Citation per paper
      1 1 Harvard University 100.0 4.5
      2 2 University of California, Berkeley 87.9 3.2
      3 6 University of Oxford 85.1 3.2
      4 5 University of Cambridge 84.8 3.0
      5 4 London School of Economics 83.7 2.6
      6 3 Stanford University 80.6 4.4
      7 8 University of Chicago 77.6 3.6
      8 7 Yale University 75.2 3.9
      9 9 Princeton University 71.1 4.1
      10 11 Columbia University 69.3 3.9
      11 14= Australian National University 67.6 2.3
      12 10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 67.3 4.1
      13 12 University of British Columbia 67.2 3.4
      14 13 University of California, Los Angeles 65.8 4.4
      15 16 University of Toronto 64.1 3.3
      16 21 University of Tokyo 61.1 1.8
      17 14= McGill University 59.6 3.4
      18 17 Cornell University 58.3 3.4
      19 19 University of Melbourne 57.6 2.5
      20 18 National University of Singapore 57.3 2.2
      21 24 Peking University 56.8 2.0
      22 23 New York University 56.1 3.6
      23 20 University of Michigan 55.1 4.2
      24 22 University of Pennsylvania 54.5 4.1
      25 26 Duke University 48.9 4.6
      26 25 Monash University 48.8 1.8
      27 27 University of Sydney 48.6 2.0
      28 31= University College London 48.1 3.6
      29 42 Kyoto University 46.8 1.5
      30 33 Seoul National University 46.7 2.1
      31 29 Northwestern University 45.9 3.6
      32 43 University of Amsterdam 45.2 3.2
      33 35= University of Warwick 45.0 2.6
      34 34 University of Hong Kong 43.9 2.4
      35 28 University of New South Wales 43.5 2.6
      36 31= University of Copenhagen 42.2 2.7
      37 30 University of Auckland 42.1 2.4
      38 38 University of California, San Diego 41.4 4.8
      39 66 University of Manchester 40.9 3.1
      40 51 Fudan University 40.8 1.5
      41 45 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 40.7 2.8
      42 37 Université Catholique de Louvain 40.6 2.9
      43 44 Tsinghua University 40.3 1.4
      44 40 University of Wisconsin-Madison 39.7 3.6
      45 48 King’s College London 39.6 5.0
      46 39 University of Queensland 39.4 2.8
      47 62 Free University of Berlin 39.0 2.7
      48 54 University of Edinburgh 38.7 2.8
      49 46 Boston University 38.3 3.8
      50 41 Johns Hopkins University 38.2 4.5
      2009/10/14 13:45:24


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      主題:Top 50 universities for social sciences
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