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      · 《管理心理學(xué)與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)》北京大學(xué)高級(jí)研修班招生
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      清華大學(xué)總裁班招生 │││ 北大PE班
      公司治理與資本運(yùn)作總裁研修班承諾老師最優(yōu),學(xué)員享受終身教育 北京大學(xué)私募股權(quán)投資基金高級(jí)研修班,提供了一個(gè)與國內(nèi)外私募股權(quán)投資基金進(jìn)行高端交流的平臺(tái),旨為中國私募股權(quán)投資基金的發(fā)展
      Private equity in China
           Private equity in China
           Capital is creeping back to private equity. Over 1,500 funds will be on the road this year, according to research firm Preqin, seeking almost $700bn. Many managers will be touting connections in China, reckoned to represent the best opportunity in the current climate among investors. And yet opportunities for the big global PE funds to import their big global strategies are, and probably always will be, limited.
           【Peking University, private equity, training courses】:http://www.zxgu.com/pe/
           There are two main reasons why. The first is that China has no shortage of capital. Balance sheet – the calling card of the Blackstones and the Bains – doesn't come into it. PE deals tend to be small, and skewed towards pre-initial public offering growth capital. On Thomson Reuters numbers, China accounted for just under one-third of the $11.3bn in disclosed PE deals in Asia ex-Japan last year. But the average investment was just $13m, less than in Vietnam.
           Second is the pervasive influence of economic planners. Fringe sectors such as new media, biotechnology or clean energy – classic seed capital fodder – are wide open for foreign investment. But when it comes to really critical nodes of the economy, the game is dominated by large industrial funds with political backgrounds. It is no accident that, as it has developed, the locus of the domestic PE industry has steadily shifted from technology-focused Shanghai to government-dominated Beijing.
           Six months ago the State Council passed legislation allowing foreigners to raise renminbi funds. Seventeen global institutions have registered to do so, according to Z-Ben, a Shanghai-based consultancy. That in itself may broaden horizons, and will probably improve returns: a renminbi investment leading to an IPO on the mainland should command a higher multiple than a dollar deal exiting in Hong Kong or New York. Still, prospective investors in China-focused funds need to be realistic. The fortress is only half open.
           Lex 2010-04-14
      2010/4/22 12:47:03


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